安沃·艾力克于1988年出生在衣索比亚, 亚的斯亚贝巴,他是一位洛杉矶的跨界别艺术家。他的创作包括 摄影、电影、雕塑和装置艺术。他创造了一种新的 艺术语言,弥合了非洲和非裔美国人视觉文化之间 的鸿沟。艾力克的作品拒绝了欧洲中心主义里艺术和美的概念,而是建立了他独有的非洲中心美学,他称之为"非洲神秘主义",同时引用了艺术史、嘻哈和灵性等主题。艾力克在纽约库珀联盟 (The Cooper Union, New York) 获得美术学士学位,在康涅狄格州纽黑 文耶鲁艺术学院 (Yale School of Art, New Haven) 获 得美术硕士学位。艾力克的作品曾在众多著名机构展出,包括阿肯色州水晶桥美国艺术博物馆 (Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Arkansas);纽约 现代艺术博物馆 (Museum of Modern Art, New York) ;纽约哈莱姆工作室博物馆 (The Studio Museum in Harlem, New York);多伦多当代艺术博物馆 (Museum of Contemporary Art, Toronto);和纽约FLAG艺术基金 会 (FLAG Art Foundation, New York) 等。他还为不同的 文化及创意领头刊物,《纽约客》(The New Yorker) 、《纽约杂志》(New York Magazine)、《GQ》和《 名利场》(Vanity Fair) 等出版物带来高端概念的商业 摄影。艾力克的作品被纳入波士顿美术馆 (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston) ; 西棕榈滩诺顿艺术博物馆(Norton Museum of Art, Palm Beach) ; 洛杉矶郡立美术馆 (Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), Los Angeles) ; 纽约大都会艺术博物馆 (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York) ; 诺威治塞恩斯伯里视觉艺术中心 (Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich) ; 圣塔巴巴拉美术馆 (Santa Barbara Museum of Art) ; 杭州天目里美术馆 (By Art Matters, Hangzhou) ; 和惠特尼美国艺术博物馆 (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York),以及其他地方永久收藏。艾力克在洛杉矶和纽约之间生活和工作。
Awol Erizku: 多維空間 Quaquaversal
2024年11月20日 - 2025年3月8日 Hong KongBen Brown Fine Arts is delighted to present 多維空間 Quaquaversal, an exhibition of new works by Los Angeles-based conceptual artist Awol Erizku. This bold showcase, featuring paintings, neon installations, and a newly unveiled series of bronze sculptures, builds on the artist’s ongoing engagement with the city of Hong Kong, first initiated in his 2018 exhibition 慢慢燃燒 Slow Burn. 多維空間 Quaquaversal continues Erizku’s exploration of materiality, symbolism, and cultural intervention, expanding dialogues around cultural authorship and art history while electrifying African diasporic identity in a powerful act of revival.更多 -
Summer Album
Hong Kong Summer Exhibition 2024 2024年7月27日 - 9月17日 Hong KongBen Brown Fine Arts is pleased to present an extraordinary group exhibition celebrating the sights and spirit of summer....更多 -
Beyond the Canvas
2024年3月8日 - 3月30日We are thrilled to announce Beyond the Canvas opening March 7, 2024. Join us for an exclusive presentation featuring new works by gallery artists, including Awol Erizku, Yoan Capote, and Ena Swansea, alongside a curated selection highlighting influential post-war masters. Additionally, we will also present a captivating selection of artist and independent designer jewellery from Louisa Guinness Gallery. Beyond the Canvas invites us to reconsider the notion of representation, delve into the layers of artistic expression and discover new perspectives through media.更多 -
Double Take: Contemporary Redefined
2023年12月1日 - 2024年1月6日We are thrilled to announce the grand re-opening of our Palm Beach gallery with the exhibition Double Take: Contemporary Redefined on December 1, 2023. Join us for an exclusive presentation featuring new works by gallery artists, alongside a curated selection highlighting influential post-war masters. Double Take invites us to reconsider representation through a fresh lens, sparking a dialogue between tradition and innovation.更多
Innovation and Tradition
Calder to Capote 2023年4月6日 - 4月30日Ben Brown Fine Arts is thrilled to announce Innovation and Tradition: Calder to Capote at our Palm Beach gallery, the final exhibition of the season before the gallery closes until November. This thought-provoking presentation elicits dialogue between distinguished post-war and contemporary artists, examining how the challenging of notions and traditions of the past has brought forth radical new ideas and practices that have, and continue to, change the trajectory of art history today.更多 -
Awol Erizku: Cosmic Drill
2023年1月27日 - 4月6日 LondonBen Brown Fine Arts is proud to present Cosmic Drill, our third solo exhibition of Los Angeles-based artist Awol Erizku. The exhibition follows his highly acclaimed shows with Ben Brown Fine Arts, 慢慢燃燒 Slow Burn (Hong Kong, 2018) and Make America Great Again (London, 2017). This exhibition will unveil an alluring new body of work that converges the mediums of painting, photography, and sculpture, while harnessing myriad influences including street markings, hip-hop music, basketball, and NASA telescopic data.更多 -
Vision and Virtue
Claridge’s ArtSpace, Brooks Mews, London, W1K 4DZ 2022年10月8日 - 10月15日 LondonBen Brown Fine Arts is thrilled to announce Vision and Virtue , an exhibition presented at Claridge’s ArtSpace in ...更多 -
Ben Brown Fine Arts:
2020年6月15日 - 8月31日 Hong Kong
Celebrating 10 years in Hong KongBen Brown Fine Arts is pleased to present an extraordinary group exhibition inaugurating the Hong Kong gallery's new loc...更多 -
2018年5月18日 - 7月21日
安沃·艾力克 | 慢慢燃燒 SLOW BURNBen Brown Fine Arts is thrilled to present Awol Erizku's first solo exhibition in Asia at our Hong Kong gallery. Entitle...更多 -
Make America Great Again 2017年4月21日 - 6月2日Ben Brown Fine Arts is delighted to present Make America Great Again , the first solo exhibition by LA-based artist Awol...更多
‘Project a Black Planet’ is a history-making survey of Pan-African art
By Cianna Greaves and Sofie Hernandez-Simeonidis for Wbezchicago 2025年1月21日The massive Art Institute of Chicago exhibition, co-presented with museums in Barcelona and Brussels...更多 -
21st-Century Boy: Awol Erizku on His Latest Hong Kong Show Quaquaversal
By Madelaine Clark for Prestige 2025年1月13日Fresh out of college, AWOL ERIZKU was christened the “It kid” of the art world. Twelve y...更多 -
Awol Erizku refuses to be typecast
By Betty Richardson for PostMag | South China Morning Post 2024年12月8日Much more than the photographer behind Beyoncé’s viral pregnancy announcement, the mult...更多 -
At the Met, Black Artists Salute an Enduring Affinity With Egypt
By Jason Farago for The New York Times 2024年11月15日We call it Egypt; the Greeks called it Aigyptos; but the ancient civilization in the northeast corne...更多
“There Are No Rules”: 15 Minutes in Arkansas with the Artist Awol Erizku
By Emily Sandstrom for Interview 2024年9月20日Last week, Awol Erizku hosted a celebration for Mystic Parallax , a retrospective of his major works...更多 -
Awol Erizku's "Afro-Esotericism" Takes Over Crystal Bridges' Momentary Venue
By Shawn Ghassemitari for Hypebeast 2024年5月16日Presenting a series of new and existing works that examine Blackness and contemporary global culture...更多 -
Awol Erizku Brings Malcolm X To The Savannah College Of Art And Design Museum Of Art
By Chadd Scott for Forbes 2024年3月18日The most extraordinary item on view at the Savannah College of Art and Design’s annual deFINE ...更多 -
Awol Erizku: 'X' at SCAD Museum of Art
February 26 - July 3, 2024 2024年2月26日In his debut solo museum exhibition, Awol Erizku focuses on pioneering American Muslim human rights ...更多
Awol Erizku’s Cosmic Affinities
By Jonathan Jayasinghe and Shane J. Smith for Justsmile 2024年1月24日This story appears in Justsmile Issue 3, Reflections are Protections .更多 -
Awol Erizku’s Exquisite Remix of Black Visual Culture
By Miss Rosen for Blind Magazine 2024年1月23日The groundbreaking artist’s debut monograph is a sparkling phantasmagoria that brings to mind ...更多 -
On View: A Coffin That Connects Multiple Black Histories
Shirley Ngozi Nwangwa for The New York Times Style Magazine 2023年9月13日Awol Erizku’s exhibition of hip-hop-centric art opened recently at Sean Kelly gallery in New Y...更多 -
Artist Awol Erizku Just Published His First Disco-Infused, Afro-Esoteric Manifesto
Caroline Bomback for Cultured 2023年6月30日Gucci, Antwaun Sargent, and Aperture celebrated the launch of Mystic Parallax , Awol Erizku’s ...更多
Awol Erizku’s First Book Mystic Parallax Shows the Artist’s Tremendous Power
Maxine Wally for W Magazine 2023年6月28日Tessa Thompson delicately balancing a hawk on her arm. Michael B. Jordan holding onto a leashed husk...更多 -
The Afro-Esotericism of Awol Erizku
Doreen St. Félix for The New Yorker 2023年6月7日The prolific artist knows that contemporary Blackness, made and unmade on the stage of capitalism, i...更多 -
Space, Basketball, and Hip Hop Fuse in Awol Erizku’s Latest Exhibition
Shawn Ghassemitari for Hypebeast 2023年3月29日Awol Erizku‘s art practice often oscillates from one medium to another, reflecting the constel...更多 -
Awol Erizku creates Afro-Asian connections in Hong Kong
Siddhartha Mitter for Art Basel 2023年3月16日The artist’s giant inflatable sculpture of Tutankhamun marks the first time Art Basel Hong Kon...更多
‘I’m Not Giving People What They’re Used To:’ Awol Erizku on the Challenges Inherent in Remixing His Own Work
Naomi Rea for Artnet News 2023年2月1日The artist's wide-ranging practice refuses easy categorization. For his latest exhibition, Awol Eriz...更多 -
Ben Brown Fine Arts presents Awol Erizku: COSMIC DRILL
Daily Art News 2022年12月14日Ben Brown Fine Arts presents Awol Erizku's first solo exhibition in Europe for five years, CosmiC Dr...更多 -
Mark Westall for FAD Magazine 2022年12月14日Ben Brown Fine Arts to open Awol Erizku’s Cosmic Drill in the New Year, their third solo exhib...更多 -
Cosmic Drill – Awol Erizku
Trebuchet 2022年12月13日Multimedia statements in the face of culture Are we seeing anything new? The chameleonlike creative ...更多
Mark Westall for FAD Magazine 2022年10月12日Ben Brown Fine Arts has just opened Vision and Virtue, an exhibition presented at Claridge’s A...更多 -
Ben Brown: 'My Favourite Things'
Ben Brown interviewed by Tara Loader Wikinson for Billionaire Magazine 2022年7月15日'A gallerist who live, breathes, and wears his art, Ben Brown cut his teeth in the art world at Soth...更多 -
Beyond Beyoncé Fame, Awol Erizku Expands What Black Art Can Be
Robin Pogrebin for New York Times 2022年3月8日LOS ANGELES — True, Awol Erizku may be best known for his beatific photograph of a pregnant ...更多 -
Awol Erizku in conversation with curator Daniel S. Palmer
This digital event was part of the Frieze New York 2021 Tribute to the Vision & Justice Project 2021年5月20日Erizku’s free virtual conversation on May 10th accompanied New Visions for Iris , the artist&r...更多
Awol Erizku’s Strange, Striking Photographs Will Grace Hundreds of Bus Shelters Across New York and Chicago
Caroline Goldstein for Artnet News 2021年2月25日What Public Art Fund says: 'Awol Erizku's distinctive visual language emerges from thoughtful, conte...更多 -
Amanda Gorman, Photographed by Artist Awol Erizku for TIME Cover
by Mark Westall for FAD Magazine 2021年2月8日TIME Magazine 's new cover features American poet Amanda Gorman, photographed by Ethiopian-American ...更多 -
Awol Erizku Shoots Amanda Gorman for TIME
Artnet News 2021年2月5日Awol Erizku Shoots Amanda Gorman for TIME - The in-demand photographer shot the American poet Amanda...更多 -
Awol Erizku | Amanda Gorman Covers TIME Black Renaissance Issue
Keyaira Boone for Essence Magazine 2021年2月4日TIME magazine is releasing a special issue honoring the current expansion of Black culture and the a...更多
Awol Erizku | The Story Behind TIME’s Amanda Gorman Cover
Sanya Mansoor for TIME Magazine 2021年2月4日Amanda Gorman's eloquent poetry at Joe Biden's presidential Inauguration soothed many Americans stil...更多 -
'I wanted to honor this moment': what to expect from US artists in 2021 | Awol Erizku
by Nadja Sayej for The Guardian 2021年1月25日On 24 February, the Public Art Fund launches an outdoor photo exhibition by the Ethiopian American a...更多 -
The Art Angle Podcast: Why Awol Erizku Is So Much More Than Just Beyoncé’s Baby Photographer
ArtNet News 2020年12月7日The journey to becoming one of the most acclaimed photographers of his generation-at the tender age ...更多 -
AWOL ERIZKU: Mystic Parallax at Flag Art Foundation
2020年9月1日Awol Erizku: Mystic Parallax 26 September - 14 November 2020 The FLAG Art Foundation 545 West 25th S...更多
Desire: A Revision from the 20th Century to the Digital Age 2019年8月28日21 September 2019 - 22 March 2020 IMMA | Irish Museum of Modern Art Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dubli...更多 -
AWOL ERIZKU - Smokes of Anomy
2019年4月30日Opening reception: Thursday, May 2, 7pm-10pm 2 May - 29 June 2019 1338 Franklin Avenue, #1C Bronx, N...更多 -
AWOL ERIZKU: Photography of Michael B. Jordan for the cover of GQ
2018年11月18日Shoutout to Awol Erizku for shooting Michael B. Jordan for the cover of GQ. With the mega-success of...更多 -
at The Museum of Modern Art, New York 2018年1月18日Saturday, January 20, 8:00pm. The Museum of Modern Art. The bootleg is having a moment. Join MoMA fo...更多
Awol Erizku joins the likes of Leonardo da Vinci, Yusaku Maezawa, David Hockney and Barkley L. Hendricks as one of Artsy’s most influential people of the year.
2018年1月5日Awol Erizku broke the record for Instagram’s most-liked photo with an image that powerfully ch...更多 -
AWOL ERIZKU's Beyoncé portrait becomes most-liked Instagram post ever!
2017年2月6日We are thrilled to announce that gallery artist Awol Erizku's maternity portrait of Beyoncé h...更多
2025年4月3日 - 4月6日Ben Brown Fine Arts is pleased to announce our participation in Miart , Milan’s leading modern and contemporary art fair, taking place from 3–6 April...更多 -
Art Basel Hong Kong
2025年3月26日 - 3月30日Ben Brown Fine Arts is pleased to announce its return to Art Basel Hong Kong 2025 , presenting a meticulously curated selection of works by...更多 -
Art Basel Miami Beach
2024年12月4日 - 12月8日Ben Brown Fine Arts is thrilled to return to Art Basel Miami Beach 2024 at Booth H2, showcasing a meticulously curated selection of masterpieces by...更多