何賽·帕拉(1973 年出生於美國邁阿密)為備受矚目的跨領域藝術家,作品涉獵繪畫、大型壁畫、攝影、 影像和雕塑等。帕拉曾就讀於戴德社區學院,邁阿密,佛羅里達州;邁阿密新世界藝術學校,邁阿密, 佛羅里達州;薩凡納藝術與設計學院,薩凡納,佐治亞州。帕拉的作品曾於眾多美術館和雙年展中展 出,包括高等藝術博物館,亞特蘭大,喬治亞州;SCAD 藝術博物館,薩凡納藝術與設計學院,薩凡納, 佐治亞州;紐伯格藝術博物館,帕切斯州,紐約;國家青年藝術基金會,邁阿密,佛羅里達州;Van Eve ry/Smith Galleries,戴維森學院,戴維森,北卡羅納州以及哈瓦那雙年展,哈瓦那,古巴。帕拉的創作亦 可見於眾多公共收藏,包括大英博物館,倫敦,英國;奧爾布賴特 - 諾克斯藝術畫廊,紐約,美國;PO LA 藝術博物館,箱根,日本;紐伯格藝術博物館,紐約和古巴國家美術博物館,哈瓦那,古巴。永久公 共藝術項目包括紐約世界貿易中心一號大樓委約創作的巨型壁畫《ONE:感官聯盟》(ONE: Union of the Senses),這也是紐約最大型的同類畫作,於西半球最高的建築中展出。其他還有:巴克萊中心,紐約, 紐約州;布魯克林音樂學院,紐約,紐約州;Chiltern Firehouse 餐廳,倫敦;北卡羅納州大學 James B. Hunt Jr.圖書館,北卡羅納州;雍景豪城,多倫多。即將舉行的展覽包括於 Istanbul’74 進行的個展「地峽」(Isthmus),為伊斯坦布爾雙年展的項目之一;以及紐約布朗克斯博物館由玛农(Manon Slome, PHD) 策劃的個展「是你的」(It’s Yours)
Summer Album
Hong Kong Summer Exhibition 2024 2024年7月27日 - 9月17日 Hong KongBen Brown Fine Arts is pleased to present an extraordinary group exhibition celebrating the sights and spirit of summer....更多 -
Beyond the Canvas
2024年3月8日 - 3月30日We are thrilled to announce Beyond the Canvas opening March 7, 2024. Join us for an exclusive presentation featuring new works by gallery artists, including Awol Erizku, Yoan Capote, and Ena Swansea, alongside a curated selection highlighting influential post-war masters. Additionally, we will also present a captivating selection of artist and independent designer jewellery from Louisa Guinness Gallery. Beyond the Canvas invites us to reconsider the notion of representation, delve into the layers of artistic expression and discover new perspectives through media.更多 -
Double Take: Contemporary Redefined
2023年12月1日 - 2024年1月6日We are thrilled to announce the grand re-opening of our Palm Beach gallery with the exhibition Double Take: Contemporary Redefined on December 1, 2023. Join us for an exclusive presentation featuring new works by gallery artists, alongside a curated selection highlighting influential post-war masters. Double Take invites us to reconsider representation through a fresh lens, sparking a dialogue between tradition and innovation.更多
2023年10月11日 - 11月16日 LondonBen Brown Fine Arts is proud to present Phosphene, an exhibition of new works by New York-based Cuban artist José Parlá at the flagship London gallery from 11 October to 16 November 2023, coinciding with Frieze London.更多
「光幻視」 2023年3月18日 - 5月20日 Hong Kong布朗畫廊適逢2023巴塞爾藝術展香港展會,榮幸呈獻「光幻視」,展出駐紐約古巴裔藝術家何賽·帕拉(José Parlá)的近期繪畫及紙本作品。這將是藝術家繼2019年由迪特·布赫哈特(Dieter Buchhart)策劃的「記憶的紋理」展覽後,二度於香港畫廊舉辦個展。「光幻視」將揭曉一組全新創作,包括小型而細膩的作品,爾後會構成倫敦畫廊於今年秋季為藝術家舉行的大型個展的一部分,為完整的系列拉開序幕。更多
New Frontiers
Movements in Contemporary Art 2023年2月21日 - 4月16日 LondonBen Brown Fine Arts invites art lovers to explore New Frontiers: Movements in Contemporary Art, a thought-provoking exhibition presented at Claridge's ArtSpace in London, in the heart of Mayfair. This exhibition will be held concurrently with the launch of Claridge’s ArtSpace Café.更多 -
Ben Brown Fine Arts:
2020年6月15日 - 8月31日 Hong Kong
Celebrating 10 years in Hong Kong布朗畫廊很榮幸地呈獻夏日聯展,為香港畫廊在黃竹坑的新地點揭幕,並慶祝畫廊於香港成立十週年。展覽匯集了過去十年曾在畫廊展出過的傑出藝術家,包括米格爾•巴塞洛 (Miquel Barceló),托尼•貝凡 (T...更多 -
José Parlá
2019年9月19日 - 11月4日 Hong Kong
Textures of Memory布朗畫廊(Ben Brown Fine Arts)香港空間欣然呈獻生活工作於紐約的藝術家何賽·帕拉(José Parlá)大型 個展「記憶的紋理」。由迪特·布赫哈特( Dieter B...更多 -
2018年10月3日 - 11月9日 London
Echo of ImpressionsBen Brown Fine Arts is delighted to present Echo of Impressions , the first solo exhibition with the gallery of New York...更多
José Parlá: It's Yours
The Bronx Museum of the Arts José Parlá, 2020Hardcover, 112 pages更多
Publisher: Damiani
ISBN: 978-88-6208-7285
Dimensions: 30 x 25 cm -
Echo of Impressions 2018Paperback, 41 pages更多
Dimensions: 17 x 24.5 cm -
José Parlá
Phosphene 2023Hardback, 114 pages更多
ISBN: 978-0-9574670-9-5
Dimensions: 30 x 25 cm
José Parlá: 'Homecoming'
By Vittoria Benzine for The Brooklyn Rail 2025年1月1日José Parlá downright cavorts while he works, tangling sharp, elegant calligraphy acros...更多 -
Art Basel Miami Beach 2024 Clayton Calvert Reveals His Top Choices
By Clayton Calvert for Artlyst 2024年12月11日Art Basel Miami Beach 2024 opened on December 4 to a bevy of VIPs seeking to ensure they were the fi...更多 -
10 Must-See Museum and Gallery Shows During Art Basel Miami Beach
By Paul Laster for Galerie 2024年11月26日From José Parla’s massive murals at Pérez Art Museum to Patrick Dean Hubbell&rsq...更多 -
José Parlá’s ‘Homecoming’ at Miami’s PAMM Is a Celebration of Roots and Resilience
By Elisa Carollo for Observer 2024年11月20日Observer caught up with the artist in his studio to learn more about how his work is both an act of ...更多
8 Artists Share How They Set the Perfect Vibe in the Studio
Verity Babbs for ArtNet News 2024年5月8日What makes an artist’s studio the perfect place for creating? Nowadays, there is no one way fo...更多 -
When groove is in the art
Victoria Woodcock for Financial Times 2024年2月21日Eight artists putting dance in the frame. His longtime interest in dance – from salsa to break...更多 -
José Parlá – interview: ‘I was experiencing flashbacks to my dreams from the coma, and I put that into these paintings’
Interview by Anna McNay for studio international 2023年10月30日Following a life-and-death experience, the New York-based Cuban artist explores different notions of...更多 -
Wide Awake: The artist José Parlá on the universal language of being and coming back from the brink of death
Interview by John-Paul Pryor for House Collective 2023年10月25日The current exhibition Phosphene by New York-based Cuban artist José Parlá references ...更多
9 Of The Best London Art Exhibitions This Autumn
Joanne Shurvell for Forbes 2023年10月15日Autumn in London is always a cultural explosion. October kicks off with the annual art fairs Frieze ...更多 -
The Hypeart Guide to Frieze London 2023
Shawn Ghassemitari for Hypebeast 2023年10月11日Frieze London is back and to celebrate 20 monumental years, the organizers behind the mega fair will...更多 -
Studio Visit: In His Downtown Brooklyn Studio, Artist José Parlá Follows the Sun in the Skylights to Paint Vibrant, Colossal Works
Interview by Katie White for Artnet News 2023年10月10日For Cuban-born artist José Parlá, sunlight and music are the foundations of a good stu...更多 -
Episode 95: José Parlá on Coming Back to Life Through Art
Interview by Spencer Bailey July 12, 2023Through his abstract paintings, the Miami-born, Brooklyn-based artist José Parlá explo...更多
José Parlá Translate Memories into Landscapes with New Series, Phosphene
Katy Donoghue for Whitewall 2023年3月31日José Parlá’s “Phosphene” is currently on view at Ben Brown Fine Arts...更多 -
Jammie Holmes and José Parlá Named Gordon Parks Fellows
Taylor Michael for Hyperallergic 2023年1月22日Two painters have been selected for the 2023 Gordon Parks Foundation Fellowship, announced this week...更多 -
ARTFORUM 2023年1月19日The Gordon Parks Foundation has announced painters Jammie Holmes and José Parlá as the...更多 -
Mark Westall for FAD Magazine 2022年10月12日Ben Brown Fine Arts has just opened Vision and Virtue, an exhibition presented at Claridge’s A...更多
Covid. A Coma. A Stroke. José Parlá Returns From the Edge.
Max Lakin for The New York Times 2022年7月31日After a lengthy recovery, the artist comes back with the most vigorous work he's made: 'It took me a...更多 -
Max Lakin for Artforum 2021年3月1日'It's Yours,' José Parlá's solo exhibition of recent paintings here, took its name fro...更多 -
Shana Nys Dambrot for LA Weekly 2021年2月12日Together at the National YoungArts Foundation. An innovative, creative fundraising campaign, Togethe...更多 -
José Parlá | National YoungArts Foundation’s new animated short takes flight with help from KAWS and Shepard Fairey
Kelsey Ables for The Washington Post 2021年1月24日When the National YoungArts Foundation asked Brooklyn-based artist José Parlá to contr...更多
10 Galleries To Visit At Hong Kong Spotlight By Art Basel
Hong Kong Tatler, by Oliver Giles 2020年12月2日Ben Brown Fine Arts is showcasing two very different approaches to abstraction in its booth, hanging...更多 -
JOSÉ PARLÁ: It's Yours at The Bronx Museum of the Arts
2020年9月3日José Parlá: It's Yours 9 September 2020 - 10 January 2021 The Bronx Museum of the Arts...更多 -
JOSE PARLA at The Bronx Museum of the Arts Ball
2019年9月20日Thursday, 3 October 2019, 6:30pm - 11pm The Bronx Museum of the Arts Ball 1040 Grand Concourse, The ...更多 -
2019年5月7日Vernissage: Wednesday, May 8, 7pm - 11pm 9 May - 24 November 2019 Fondazione Berengo Art Space Campi...更多
JOSE PARLA: Landmarks commissions major work by the artist
2018年1月23日26 January 2018 at The University of Texas at Austin College of Fine Arts 2305 Trinity St., PAC 3.20...更多 -
JOSE PARLA: No Space / Non Place
at Neuberger Museum of Art, New York 2017年12月17日December 15, 2017 - April 28, 2018 José Parlá: No Space / Non Place is organized by th...更多 -
JOSÉ PARLÁ: ONE: Union of the Senses
at Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), NY 2017年5月22日Thursday, 25 May 2017 ONE: Union of the Senses | a film by José Parlá. Featuring a sco...更多 -
at SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah, GA 2016年12月12日7 February - 16 July 2017 SCAD Museum of Art presents Roots , an exhibition of recent artworks by SC...更多
2025年4月3日 - 4月6日Ben Brown Fine Arts is pleased to announce our participation in Miart , Milan’s leading modern and contemporary art fair, taking place from 3–6 April...更多 -
Art Basel Hong Kong
2025年3月26日 - 3月30日Ben Brown Fine Arts is pleased to announce its return to Art Basel Hong Kong 2025 , presenting a meticulously curated selection of works by...更多 -
TEFAF Maastricht
2025年3月13日 - 3月20日We are pleased to return to TEFAF Maastricht with a carefully curated selection of works by leading international artists from the gallery’s renowned programme. This...更多 -
Art Basel Miami Beach
2024年12月4日 - 12月8日Ben Brown Fine Arts is thrilled to return to Art Basel Miami Beach 2024 at Booth H2, showcasing a meticulously curated selection of masterpieces by...更多