漢克·威利斯·托馬斯(Hank Willis Thomas,生於 1976 年)於紐約大學獲得攝影與非洲文學學士 學位,並於舊金山加利福尼亞藝術學院獲得攝影與視覺批評文學碩士學位。托馬斯的作品於美 國和國際藝術機構廣泛展出,包括紐約國際攝影中心、紐約哈林工作室博物館、俄亥俄州克利 夫蘭藝術博物館、佐治亞州薩凡納藝術博物館、華盛頓科科倫藝術館、加拿大安大略美術館、 巴黎布朗利碼頭博物館、香港藝術中心、荷蘭魏特德維茨當代藝術中心、畢爾巴鄂古根漢美術 館和開普敦蔡茨非洲當代藝術博物館等。托馬斯的作品被收藏於眾多公共和私人收藏中,包括 紐約現代藝術博物館、紐約所羅門·R·古根漢美術館、紐約惠特尼美術館、紐約布魯克林博物 館、喬治亞州亞特蘭大市高等藝術博物館,以及華盛頓國家美術館等。托馬斯的個展「All Things Being Equal…」日前已在俄勒岡州的波特蘭藝術博物館和阿肯色州本頓維爾的水晶橋美 國藝術博物館巡展完,並將繼續於俄亥俄州的辛辛那提藝術博物館展出。藝術家目前於紐約市 生活和工作。
Beyond the Canvas
2024年3月8日 - 3月30日We are thrilled to announce Beyond the Canvas opening March 7, 2024. Join us for an exclusive presentation featuring new works by gallery artists, including Awol Erizku, Yoan Capote, and Ena Swansea, alongside a curated selection highlighting influential post-war masters. Additionally, we will also present a captivating selection of artist and independent designer jewellery from Louisa Guinness Gallery. Beyond the Canvas invites us to reconsider the notion of representation, delve into the layers of artistic expression and discover new perspectives through media.更多 -
Double Take: Contemporary Redefined
2023年12月1日 - 2024年1月6日We are thrilled to announce the grand re-opening of our Palm Beach gallery with the exhibition Double Take: Contemporary Redefined on December 1, 2023. Join us for an exclusive presentation featuring new works by gallery artists, alongside a curated selection highlighting influential post-war masters. Double Take invites us to reconsider representation through a fresh lens, sparking a dialogue between tradition and innovation.更多
Innovation and Tradition
Calder to Capote 2023年4月6日 - 4月30日Ben Brown Fine Arts is thrilled to announce Innovation and Tradition: Calder to Capote at our Palm Beach gallery, the final exhibition of the season before the gallery closes until November. This thought-provoking presentation elicits dialogue between distinguished post-war and contemporary artists, examining how the challenging of notions and traditions of the past has brought forth radical new ideas and practices that have, and continue to, change the trajectory of art history today.更多 -
Hank Willis Thomas
“Everybody used to say, oh, I got it all from Matisse, and I said, ‘Not really.’” 2022年11月25日 - 2023年1月21日 Palm BeachBen Brown Fine Arts is proud to present Hank Willis Thomas’s "Everybody used to say, oh, I got it all from Matisse, and I said, ‘Not really.'" This is the artist’s fourth solo exhibition with Ben Brown Fine Arts and first exhibition at the Palm Beach gallery. The exhibition brings together a selection of recent works by the artist from his most celebrated series, including sports jersey textile works, lenticular text works, retroreflective prints, and a neon. Hank Willis Thomas is a multi-disciplinary, conceptual artist whose work explores notions of identity, race, politics, popular culture, sports, and history.更多 -
Vision and Virtue
Claridge’s ArtSpace, Brooks Mews, London, W1K 4DZ 2022年10月8日 - 10月15日 LondonBen Brown Fine Arts is thrilled to announce Vision and Virtue , an exhibition presented at Claridge’s ArtSpace in ...更多 -
Artsy Online Exhibition
2020年12月14日 - 2021年2月28日
The Four Seasons: WINTERBen Brown Fine Arts is proud to present the fourth of our seasonal online exhibitions with Artsy, The Four Seasons: WINT...更多 -
Hank Willis Thomas
2020年9月21日 - 11月17日 Hong Kong
Don't Let Money Change You布朗畫廊香港空間欣然呈獻漢克·威利斯·托馬斯(Hank Willis Thomas)的新作展「勿為五斗米折腰」。是次展覽是托馬斯在畫廊的第三次個展,此前於倫敦空間舉辦的「The Beautiful Game」(2...更多 -
Ben Brown Fine Arts:
2020年6月15日 - 8月31日 Hong Kong
Celebrating 10 years in Hong Kong布朗畫廊很榮幸地呈獻夏日聯展,為香港畫廊在黃竹坑的新地點揭幕,並慶祝畫廊於香港成立十週年。展覽匯集了過去十年曾在畫廊展出過的傑出藝術家,包括米格爾•巴塞洛 (Miquel Barceló),托尼•貝凡 (T...更多 -
2018年9月20日 - 10月27日 Hong Kong
My Life is OursBen Brown Fine Arts is proud to present Hank Willis Thomas’s first solo exhibition in Asia, My Life is Ours, at th...更多 -
2017年10月5日 - 11月24日 London
The Beautiful GameThe Beautiful Game will explore the intersection of art, sports and geopolitics. These arenas are often thought of as di...更多
Hank Willis Thomas Speaks on the Work That Remains
Jenna Adrian-Diaz for SURFACE 2023年9月22日The artist and For Freedoms co-founder was recently presented with the 2023 Medal of Arts award by t...更多 -
Artists including Sheila Hicks and Hank Willis Thomas receive US State Department's Medal of Arts
Torey Akers on The Arts Newspaper 2023年9月18日On 13 September, the US Department of State’s Office of Art in Embassies gave its Medal of Art...更多 -
Creator of Divisive King Monument Builds Sculpture for Super Bowl
Kalia Richardson for The New York Times 2023年1月31日The steel sculpture by Hank Willis Thomas features a football and will be displayed outside State Fa...更多 -
In Boston, ‘The Embrace’ Honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy
Kalia Richardson for New York Times 2023年1月15日The bronze sculpture, by the artist Hank Willis Thomas, symbolizes the hug Dr. King and Coretta Scot...更多
Standing Two Stories Tall, a Hank Willis Thomas Sculpture Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. Is Unveiled on Boston Common
Sarah Cascone for artnet news 2023年1月13日The statue is a poignant symbol of the power of love. In celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, ...更多 -
Mark Westall for FAD Magazine 2022年10月12日Ben Brown Fine Arts has just opened Vision and Virtue, an exhibition presented at Claridge’s A...更多 -
The artist collective questioning the true meaning of justice
Ashley Tymer for I-D Magazine 2022年8月17日A show at The Parrish Art Museum, curated by Hank Willis Thomas and For Freedoms, features poignant ...更多 -
‘In the heart of their hug’: Hank Willis Thomas on his ‘Embrace’ tribute to the Kings
Murray Whyte for Boston Globe 2022年6月16日As part of the inaugural Embrace Ideas Festival, the artist spoke in depth about his long-awaited me...更多
Believe It
Hank Willis Thomas interviewed by Emann Odufu for Office Magazine 2022年4月20日'I first came across the work of visual artist Hank Willis Thomas reading a book called Who We Be: T...更多 -
Black American Portraits exhibition at LACMA
Hank Willis Thomas portrait included in landmark exhibition at LACMA 2022年1月27日To complement the presentation of The Obama Portraits by Kehinde Wiley and Amy Sherald on tour from ...更多 -
Hank Willis Thomas Questions the Stars and the Bars
Kayne Griffin for FRIEZE 2021年11月12日'We live in the 'Land of the Free', which also happens to be the place that imprisons more people th...更多 -
E28. Dissolving the Illusion with Artist Hank Willis Thomas
The Institute of Black Imagination 2021年10月31日'Today’s episode is with conceptual artist, Hank Willis Thomas. Hailing from the mean streets ...更多
An artistic dream realized for Hank Willis Thomas
By Celina Colby for The Bay State Banner 2021年3月26日Last week, the Boston Art Commission approved artist Hank Willis Thomas' final design for 'The Embra...更多 -
Hank Willis Thomas | Speed Art Museum will reflect on the death of Breonna Taylor in an exhibition
Gabriella Angeleti for The Art Newspaper 2021年2月25日The artists Theaster Gates, Amy Sherald, Hank Willis Thomas and other contributors will lead an advi...更多 -
Hank Willis Thomas | How the Wide Awakes Art Collective Mobilized a Roving Food Truck to Serve Some of New York’s Neediest Neighborhoods
Sarah Cascone for Artnet News 2021年2月25日In the wake of the 2020 US presidential election, art-world activist collective the Wide Awakes rema...更多 -
Hank Willis Thomas | Grief and grievance: how artists respond to racial violence in America
Nadja Sayej for The Guardian 2021年2月4日A t a time when black Americans are twice as likely to die of Covid-19 as their white counterparts w...更多
Hank Willis Thomas’s Poignant Memorial to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King Will Be Unveiled in Boston Next Fall
Taylor Dafoe for Artnet 2021年1月15日A 22-foot-tall bronze memorial to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King will be unveile...更多 -
A Racial Equity Monument, From Hank Willis Thomas, Is Set for Boston
Sophie Haigney for The New York Times 2021年1月14日Next year, the nation's oldest public park, the Boston Common, will unveil one of the largest memori...更多 -
ArtReview Power 100 | Hank Willis Thomas
Artist - Cofounder of For Freedoms #40 in 2020 2020年12月3日'Public art is propaganda,' the American artist said at the end of last year. 'White men on horses l...更多 -
Hank Willis Thomas' "All Things Being Equal" Explores Pop Culture, Race and Gender at the Cincinnati Art Museum
CityBeat 2020年10月28日The Cincinnati Art Museum's multimedia mid-career survey of artist Hank Willis Thomas is on display ...更多
HANK WILLIS THOMAS: All Things Being Equal... at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
2020年1月28日Hank Willis Thomas: All Things Being Equal 8 February - 20 April 2020 Crystal Bridges Museum of Amer...更多 -
HANK WILLIS THOMAS at McEvoy Foundation for the Arts
What is an edition, anyway? 2019年5月14日May 24 – September 7, 2019 Opening Reception: Saturday, June 1, 6–8pm McEvoy Foundation ...更多 -
HANK WILLIS THOMAS: Black Survival Guide, or How to Live Through a Police Riot
2018年7月27日14 July - 30 August 2018 Delaware Art Museum 2301 Kentmere Parkway Wilmington, Delaware 19806 Black ...更多 -
2018年7月19日14 April - 5 August 2018 Block Museum of Art Northwestern University 40 Arts Circle Drive Evanston, ...更多
HANK WILLIS THOMAS: Branded/Unbranded
2018年2月11日11 February - 10 June 2018 at John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art 5401 Bay Shore Road Saras...更多 -
HANK WILLIS THOMAS wins Aimia | AGO Photography Prize 2017
at The Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto 2017年12月5日American artist Hank Willis Thomas has won the $50,000 Aimia | AGO Photography Prize. The award, whi...更多 -
HANK WILLIS THOMAS: All Power to All People, Opa Locka Art
420 Aladdin St, Opa-locka, FL 33054, USA 2017年10月11日A new artwork called 'All Power to All People' - sculpted like an afro pick - is on permanent displa...更多 -
HANK WILLIS THOMAS: Brooklyn Conference: Inspiring Social Change
at Brooklyn Museum 2017年10月10日20 - 21 October 2017 The Brooklyn Museum announced The Brooklyn Conference: Inspiring Social Change....更多
At Ben Brown Fine Arts, London 2017年9月25日6 October 2017, 9 - 11am Fair Game? A Conversation About the Journey from Postcolonial to Transnatio...更多 -
HANK WILLIS THOMAS shortlisted for Aimia - AGO Photography Prize
at The Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto 2017年7月27日6 September 2017 - 14 January 2018 Four outstanding international artists have been shortlisted for ...更多 -
HANK WILLIS THOMAS at Frieze Sculpture 2017
in Regent's Park, London 2017年7月10日Frieze Sculpture is open from 5 July to 8 October , presenting a free outdoor display throughout the...更多 -
HANK WILLIS THOMAS: Writing on the Wall
at Mural Arts, Philadelphia, PA 2017年5月24日2 June Collaborative project with artist and activist Baz Dreisinger. Voices Mural Dedication and Re...更多
Art Basel Hong Kong
2025年3月26日 - 3月30日Ben Brown Fine Arts is pleased to announce its return to Art Basel Hong Kong 2025 , presenting a meticulously curated selection of works by...更多 -
Art Basel Miami Beach
2024年12月4日 - 12月8日Ben Brown Fine Arts is thrilled to return to Art Basel Miami Beach 2024 at Booth H2, showcasing a meticulously curated selection of masterpieces by...更多