埃娜 · 斯萬塞 (Ena Swansea) 出生於美國北卡羅萊納州夏洛特,並在南佛羅里達大學 (University of South Florida) 修讀電影和繪畫。斯萬塞的作品曾於紐約現代藝術博物館PS1分館 (MoMA PS1)、倫敦薩奇畫廊 (Saatchi Gallery)、漢堡法爾肯伯格收藏 (Sammlung Falckenberg)、盧森堡現代藝術博物館 (MUDAM) 等知名藝術機構展出。她的作品亦廣被博物館及私人收藏,包括紐約現代藝術博物館(MoMA)、意大利雷焦艾米利亞馬拉莫蒂收藏 (Collezione Maramotti)、紐約康乃爾大學約翰遜藝術博物館 (Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University) 、緬因州科爾比學院博物館 (Colby College Museum of Art)、佛羅里達州博卡拉頓藝術博物館 (Boca Raton Museum of Art)、德國德累斯頓國家藝術收藏 (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden)、漢堡法爾肯伯格收藏 (Sammlung Falckenberg) 及柏林奧爾布里希特收藏 (Olbricht Collection)。 斯萬塞現生活、工作於紐約市。
Summer Album
Hong Kong Summer Exhibition 2024 2024年7月27日 - 9月17日 Hong KongBen Brown Fine Arts is pleased to present an extraordinary group exhibition celebrating the sights and spirit of summer....更多 -
Double Take: Contemporary Redefined
2023年12月1日 - 2024年1月6日We are thrilled to announce the grand re-opening of our Palm Beach gallery with the exhibition Double Take: Contemporary Redefined on December 1, 2023. Join us for an exclusive presentation featuring new works by gallery artists, alongside a curated selection highlighting influential post-war masters. Double Take invites us to reconsider representation through a fresh lens, sparking a dialogue between tradition and innovation.更多
New Frontiers
Movements in Contemporary Art 2023年2月21日 - 4月16日 LondonBen Brown Fine Arts invites art lovers to explore New Frontiers: Movements in Contemporary Art, a thought-provoking exhibition presented at Claridge's ArtSpace in London, in the heart of Mayfair. This exhibition will be held concurrently with the launch of Claridge’s ArtSpace Café.更多 -
Vision and Virtue
Claridge’s ArtSpace, Brooks Mews, London, W1K 4DZ 2022年10月8日 - 10月15日 LondonBen Brown Fine Arts is thrilled to announce Vision and Virtue , an exhibition presented at Claridge’s ArtSpace in ...更多 -
「停在空檔」 2022年9月30日 - 11月30日 Hong Kong布朗畫廊欣然呈獻紐約藝術家埃娜·斯萬塞(Ena Swansea)於畫廊香港空間的第二個個展「停在空檔」 (stuck in neutral)。展覽將於2022年9月30日至11月30日舉行,包括一系列充滿活力、精巧構思和富有感...更多 -
2021年5月13日 - 8月31日 London
green lightBen Brown is proud to present our third solo show of American artist Ena Swansea. These recent large scale contemporary paintings explore motifs that recur within Swansea's practice including snow, sea and the urban landscape.更多 -
Artsy Online Exhibition
2020年12月14日 - 2021年2月28日
The Four Seasons: WINTERBen Brown Fine Arts is proud to present the fourth of our seasonal online exhibitions with Artsy, The Four Seasons: WINT...更多 -
Ben Brown Fine Arts:
2020年6月15日 - 8月31日 Hong Kong
Celebrating 10 years in Hong Kong布朗畫廊很榮幸地呈獻夏日聯展,為香港畫廊在黃竹坑的新地點揭幕,並慶祝畫廊於香港成立十週年。展覽匯集了過去十年曾在畫廊展出過的傑出藝術家,包括米格爾•巴塞洛 (Miquel Barceló),托尼•貝凡 (T...更多 -
ENA SWANSEA | mental map: Central Park
2019年1月18日 - 3月16日 Hong KongBen Brown Fine Arts is thrilled to present the first solo exhibition of Ena Swansea in Hong Kong. Ena Swansea: mental ma...更多 -
2018年2月2日 - 4月12日Ben Brown Fine Arts is honoured to present the first UK exhibition of American artist Ena Swansea, whose work has been w...更多
7 of the Best Artworks of Armory Week 2023
From Arresting Paintings by a 26-Year-Old Instragram Phenom to Elevated Interpretations of Outdoor Recliners 2023年9月11日Why You Should Pay Attention: The veteran painter's distinct style often mingles the real and the im...更多 -
Ena Swansea: Interview of the Month June 2021 for Artlyst
By Paul Carey-Kent 2021年6月29日There's an aura of mystery to Ena Swansea. Her big, impressive paintings are now on show at Ben Brow...更多 -
Adam Peter Hicks for Client Magazine US 2021年6月15日American artist Ena Swansea presents her solo exhibition 'Green Light' with Ben Brown Fine Arts. The...更多 -
In middle of hot art market, Ben Brown Fine Arts opens Worth Avenue gallery
Bill DiPaolo for the Palm Beach Daily News 2021年6月13日A grinning, 4-foot-high cast bronze gorilla sitting in the front window has been drawing attention f...更多
Ena Swansea: Urban Romanics
Metal Magazine 2021年6月3日Ena Swansea was born in 1966 in Charlotte, North Carolina, and studied film and painting at the Univ...更多 -
green light – Ena Swansea
Trebuchet magazine 2021年5月14日'The repeating motifs almost seem to function as frames of a film that cannot be made.' Ena Swansea'...更多